
ken watanabe because when i look at his face i go "nabeh! so hamsum!"

ok if i can look like him when im 40, i can die at 41.

i see his face and i wonder, wow, penny for your thoughts, kenny. also, japanese people have cool eyebrows, i realise. why do i always end up talking about eyebrows? weird fetish, man.

im pretty sure if i have that gaze of destiny, i wouldnt need fame, money nor power for all the days of my life.

Quote of the Day by John Ruskin
"Remember that the most beautiful things in the world are the most useless, peacocks and lilies for instance."

shut the fuck up, dumbass. peacocks and lilies are nice to look at.

amanda righetti because she is better than spaghetti


reminds me of leona lewis. who is also quite pretty.


the i-don't-know-what's-going-on-so-i-don't-know-how-i-feel look. confused girls are always wow.

angry girls are even better. dont ask me why it just is. i can think about it for awhile and figure out why but id rather not, because i dont want to make this site weirder than it already is!

 WAH LAO. i can die right now. i have seen it all.

ok there are those type of people who you see in the magazines or tv and go wow that person's so 10/10 and then there are people like amanda righetti who just come along and force you to rescale your rating convention. this woman is totally over 10. since i cant assign a number that is fair to the rest, i'll just settle with 'better than spaghetti'.

Quote of the Day by Voltaire
"Ask a toad what is beauty? ... a female with two great round eyes coming out of her little head, a large flat mouth, a yellow belly and a brown back."

well what else do you expect out of conversation with a toad? voltard.


katherine moennig because menswear looks better on her than they do on most men

either all good looking people have great eyebrows or i just have a weird fetish with those black things above the eyes.

she reminds me of ellen degeneres. maybe its the chin.

though she does it because shes probably gay, all girls look hotter in shirts. especially oversized guy shirts that droop over their small shoulders. if every girl started to wear shirts, this world wouldnt need men.

Quote of the Day by Jacqueline Bisset

"Character contributes to beauty. It fortifies a woman as her youth fades. A mode of conduct, a standard of courage, discipline, fortitude, and integrity can do a great deal to make a woman beautiful."

or you could just wear guy shirts, jackie.


alicia keys because her face is pretty damn close to perfection

she's very cool.

pink lipstick!

 very very good-looking. structure, symmetry, proportion. hard lines but soft shapes conflict me more. also reminds me of madonna.

maybe a little bit of jessica alba...

and a touch of natalie portman's cute cheeky smile. somebody save me.

listening to Empire State of Mind on Xfactor just reminded me of her poweful her voice is and even more so the panache with which she can produce it. and she looks like this. this woman is art. i mean seriously, its mind-boggling.

Quote of the Day by Sophia Loren
"Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical."

is that what your plastic surgeons keep trying to tell you before you shut them up with more money, sophie?

hiroyuki ikeuchi because he is hotter than michael scofield

my god, look at those eyelashes.

I SAID LOOK. wahh.

hiroyuki ikeuchi. without hair, few faces can transmit so much. i want to see yours again in say...10 years.

Quote of the Day by Nikolayevich "Leo" Tolstoy
"It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness."

lighten up, comrade. ignorance is bliss. get with the times already. oh wait, you're already dead.

milo ventimiglia because his hair is dreamier than mcdreamy's

yea i know you have amazing hair but its not just the hair right i mean you gotta have more than that to be on this page...right?

ok im sorry i doubted you. please carry on.

if i had to name 3 great things that came out of italy, it would be leonardo da vinci, aioli, and milo ventimiglia's father.

if youre able to notice the slant in his lower lip, you are worthy of being his fan.

some media pundits call it stroke-mouth. :Γ

but i think they secretly just want to stroke his mouth, just like everyone else does--myself included.

some people are just beautiful because of, in spite of and despite their imperfections.

if you dont have amazing hair, youd better have eyebrows with their own personality. if you dont have eyebrows with their own personality youd better have a goatee sexy enough to make five goats blush. if you dont have a goatee sexy enough to make five goats blush, then i dont blame you because that's just unfair and ridiculous.

after all, you're not milo ventimiglia. (if you are, then i apologise please email me and tell me your secret)

Quote of the Day by Kahlil Gibran
“Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.”

i regret not being able to upload pictures of milo ventimiglia's cardiac pump. those of his face will have to do for now. that is, if you dont mind, kahlil?


ashley greene because her nose is so sharp it can cut through armour and still cut a tomato right after

^this reminds me that amanda righetti needs to be on follow you soon.

^maybe kristin kreuk too. nahh she's too popular.

^is she even real?

yup they're real. uh--i mean she's real.

Quote of the Day by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
“People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.”

but stained-glass windows weren't designed to work at night, my dear elizabeth.

monique ganderton because her eyebrows make my eyebrows not look like eyebrows

wow stop looking at me like that.

almost like rachel weisz...

but clearly better. it's all in the eyebrows, i say. say it with me: AYYYYEEEEBROUUZZ.

Quote of the Day by Oscar Wilde
"It is better to be beautiful than to be good; it is better to be good than to be ugly."

wait just contradicted yourself--oh i mean, yeah you're exactly right brotha.